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Butte Humane Society:  (530) 343-7917
Clerical and fundraising help, public relations, shelter cleaning, animal grooming, pet therapy, socialization and walking of animals, pet of the week transport, repairs, maintenance and more. 
Chico Cat Coalition:  (530) 894-1365
Volunteers help care for feral and abandoned cats rescued from Bidwell Park. Help with socializing and grooming, working at adoption sites, veterinary shuttle, fund raising and public relations.


Chico Art Center:  (530) 895-8726
An instruction center and gallery for artists. Volunteer docents needed to answer phones, help with mailing, and class registration.

Chico State University Public Events:  (530) 898-5917 
 Earn free tickets by completing poster routes, office duties, marketing, publicity, mailing and more. Poster routes have 10-13 stops.


Big Brothers and Big Sisters:  (530) 343-8407
Volunteers serve as big brothers and big sisters in mentor program. Must be 18 years old.

Boys and Girls Club of Chico:  (530) 899-0335
Volunteers provide programs for young children in personal development, leadership, health and forms of education.  

Leaders in Literacy:  (530) 895-2369 
Volunteers needed to tutor young children.

Girl Scouts of Sierra Cascade:  (530) 343-1904 ext. 3023
Elizabeth Miller is the contact person.

Boy Scouts of America:  (530) 345-7052
Jonathan Fanucchi, Field Director

Disabled Services

ARC of Butte County:  (530) 891-5865
Serves people with disabilities and their families.   Volunteers help with office support, special events, and ongoing bingo fundraisers.

Do-It Leisure:  (530) 343-6055
Division of Work Training Center - Volunteers can assist with recreational activities for people with developmental disabilities.

Independent Living Services:  (530) 893-8527
Volunteers will help clients by giving them rides for grocery shopping, reading to them, and helping with home repairs.

Wings of Eagles:  (530) 893-9231
Volunteers help with the Joseph Alvarez Organization for seriously ill children and families with fund raising and other activities.


Butte Environmental Council:  (530) 891-6424
Volunteers needed for special events, office work, environmental education, newsletter and pamphlet design and layout.

City of Chico Parks Department:  (530) 895-4972
Assist with trail maintenance, litter control and various duties.

Parks and Preserves Foundation:  (530) 894-7738
Volunteers needed for clerical work, data entry, graphic design, tree planting, fundraising, and land protection projects. 

Health Related Services

Always a Friend/ Women's Resource Clinic:  (530) 897-6101
Christian based atmosphere for free pregnancy tests, and health services. Volunteers needed for reception work, counseling and work on the hot line.

American Cancer Society:  (530) 343-6178
Match volunteers with interests: fund raising, clerical help and public education. Help needed at Discovery Shop.

American Heart Association:  (530) 342-4247
Volunteers implement education programs, fundraising and more.  

American Lung Association:  (530) 345-5864
Help with healthy affairs, computer entry, fund raising and public ed.

American Red Cross:  (530) 891-0885 
Help needed with health and safety education including swimming, CPR, and first aid, phone work, and office help for fundraisers and activities.

Butte Home and Hospice:  (530) 895-0462
Training precedes volunteer work providing respite for caregivers, supportive services for families such as meal preparation and bereavement support.

Easter Seal Society:  (530) 894-0205
Help with equipment loan closets, swim programs, summer camp, post-polio, and stroke support groups.

Enloe Medical Center Junior Volunteers:  (530) 332-7577
Volunteers assist patients, visitors, and staff at all of Enloe's facilities, and operation of gift shops.

Feminist Women's Health Center:  (530) 891-1911
Help in clinics with clients, and with clerical work. Sign up and attend an orientation.

Planned Parenthood:  (530) 342-8367 
 A six week training program prepares volunteers for office work, pregnancy testing and counseling, and health affairs. 


Chico Heritage Society:  (530) 345-7522
Seeks people interested in preservation of the sites and buildings of Chico, and assist with research in the discovery of Chico's past.

Chico Museum:  (530) 891-4336
Volunteers needed to help with reception desk, tours, scheduling, museum store, exhibit installation.  

Stansbury Home Preservation:  (530) 343-0442
Docents needed to conduct informal tours of Victorian House and Museum, 1-4 pm Saturdays and Sundays.

Social Services

C.A.V.E.:  (530) 898-5817
North Valley Catholic Social Services:  (530) 345-1600
United Way, Butte and Glenn County:  (530) 342-7898
Esplanade House:  (530) 898-9773
Jesus Center:  (530) 345-2640
Parent Education Network:  (530) 898-9773
Assist with the teen crisis line.

Salvation Army:  (530) 342-2199
Volunteers needed to sort clothing, serve meals and do clerical work.

St. Vincent De Paul:  (530) 345-0724
Pick up donations, do yard work, electronic repairs, wash and mend clothes.

STEM   Inspiration Robotics of Northern California 

Volunteering at Elementary (VIQC), Middle School(VIQC) and High School (VRC) robotics events as check in, queuing, field reset and many other opportunities. For VIQC events, 16 or older can volunteer as a "scoring referee".

For easy sign up go to

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